"EASY ANIMATOR CONTROLLER" allows, in a first stage, to automate the process of renaming the set of "AnimationClips" you want to use in your "GameObjects", so that the new names encode all the essential information that the system now recognizes and stores in data structures. In a second stage, taking advantage of this information, automate the creation of an "AnimatorController" from scratch, with as many states as "AnimationClips" renamed in the first stage, transitions and appropriate parameters. In this second stage new data structures are also created to store all the essential information of these states, transitions and parameters making available to our scripts, the necessary information to choose the animation we are looking for at any time through an "interface" composed of simple auxiliary methods.
All this automation is preset through parameters exposed in a single "scriptable object" (type "AnimationsSO"), greatly facilitating the saving of the configuration "assets" and avoiding, to a large extent, touching parts of "EASY ANIMATOR CONTROLLER" that may break its functionality.
Detailed process of integration of EASY ANIMATOR CONTROLLER with SHINABRO artistic asset. In less than 40 minutes rename 596 animation assets and with the information codified in the new names create from scratch 12 animation controllers with more than 40 states each and hundreds of transitions and parameters that, automatically select the right animation at the right time.
This is the example that brings out the most potential from "EASY ANIMATOR CONTROLLER" since the information that is encoded in the renamed animations includes, in many cases, the three levels of information than can be encoded so, for example, when attacking, the system automatically chooses the animation correct depending on whether I am in the air, on the ground or crouched.

Detailed process of integration of EASY ANIMATOR CONTROLLER with RPGMonsterBundlePolyart artistic asset. In less than 30 minutes rename 524 animation assets and with the information codified in the new names create from scratch 30 animation controllers with more than 15 states each and hundreds of transitions and parameters that, automatically select the right animation at the right time. This example works with simple animation packs but shows the scalability of the system.

Detailed process of integration of EASY ANIMATOR CONTROLLER with RPGTinyHeroWavePBR artistic asset. In less than 50 minutes rename 714 animation assets and with the information codified in the new names create from scratch 24 animation controllers with more than 40 states each and hundreds of transitions and parameters that, automatically select the right animation at the right time.

Detailed process of integration of EASY ANIMATOR CONTROLLER with UNITY 2D GAME KIT artistic asset. In less than 5 minutes rename 25 animation assets and with the information codified in the new names create from scratch 3 animation controllers with more states, transitions and parameters that, automatically select the right animation at the right time.
This example is really simple but is the one included in the asset because art assets are free to use for demostration porpuses. You can do the integration in 5 minutes for 3 character, but for 100 of the same complexity it would take maybe 5 more minutes so, justo for the scalability, automation and encapsulation the system provides is more than worth the time it takes´.

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